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Desert Valley Legal
Support Services, Inc.

Desert Valley Legal Support Services - The alternative to legal self help & high priced attorneys.
(702) 636-1947
Se Habla Español
(We Serve All 50 States)

High Priced Attorneys vs. Legal Self Help

You do not wish to pay a high priced attorney for their expertise.  So you turn to the internet to try to find an alternative.  Your search leads you to legal self help where you buy the legal forms and are left to your own ability to properly fill them out.  Unless you have experience filling out legal forms, using legal self help can prove to be a daunting task.

Legal Self Help Can Be Time Consuming & Frustrating

You already know that attorneys are expensive and that legal forms are cheap.  When you use the legal self help method you feel good about the money you are saving by not using an attorney:

bulletBut how much value do you place on your time and the ultimate legal result?
bulletHow can you be sure you properly filled out the legal forms and how confident are you about the accuracy and procedural compliance?
Desert Valley Legal Support Services, Inc.
The alternative to legal self help and high priced attorneys

This is where Desert Valley Legal Support Services, Inc. based in Las Vegas, Nevada comes in.  Desert Valley Legal Support Services, Inc. costs significantly less than attorneys, but provides the experience and expertise necessary to prepare the legal documents properly.  If you wish to further discuss or inquire about the steps needed to accomplish your objectives, email or call Desert Valley Legal Support Services, Inc. directly at (702) 636-1947 and a qualified staff member will assist you.